Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Old Man and the Park

 So, an old man who was quite wealthy, retired and moved into my town. Being a philanthropist, he had a playground constructed in our town for young children. We all thought this was really nice of him. But then, he put a set of shelves filled with assorted candies in the middle of the park. 

The rule was that the children could play in the park and enjoy it as much as they liked, but they must never eat any of the candy that is on the shelves. If they did, he would ban them from the park and hunt them down. They would be tortured forever.

The town citizens were enraged and had the old man locked up. 

However, when this is done in a mythological story on a grander scale, it becomes part of the holy book. The "old man" is justified in all that he does.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Boring Heaven

 The Abrahamic HEAVEN where...
... everybody worships one super-powerful authority!
...  the authority not only incarcerates the dissenters, but tortures them for eternity.
... there are no needs that aren't fulfilled.
... you are happy all the time.
... everyone believes and does everything the same.
... you are in worship 24/7 for eternity.
Things that heaven doesn't have...
Your family, Your pets, Food, Sex, TV, Movies, Computers

Yet, this is the reason for living and the  goal that 85%
of the world's population is basing their lives on.

Seems pretty boring and very socialistic.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Hmmmmm.... heaven?

 Many people live their lives as religious people so that they can reap the eternal reward of "Heaven" at the end. So, what is "Heaven"  and this great reward? Well, throughout the bible they mention that there is no sun, no moon, and no night. It is also very bright so make sure to bring eye protection. Also, there is a lot of glass, pearls, and gold. 

And what will you do? Well, it is one big church in this city (or country). So, presumably there will be a lot of singing of hymns, praying, etc. Everyone will be like angels meaning neither male nor female and of course no sex (ugh! who wants that dirty stuff anyway?).  According to Matthew 22:30 there are no husbands or wives in heaven. Then by logical extension, no fathers, mothers, grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc.  I'm not sure where you get the idea that all your family is there waiting for you?  Some scholars site the visitations of Samuel, Moses, and Elijah as indications that we retain our identity in heaven.  However, these were key biblical characters and are probably granted special dispensations.  Some scholars say that the reunion with loved ones would be secondary to the "joyful" experience of praising god 24/7 for eternity.

Examples of Biblical Characteristics of heaven:

Revelations 21:4  Everybody will be painless and happy.

John 14:2  : Everyone gets a room in the house.

1 Corinthians 2:9   Something never seen, heard, or imagined. (Huh?)

John 3:16   Live for eternity.

Revelation 22:1-5   Big river, very bright, tatooed foreheads, no night (no sleep?), big tree with fruit and healing leaves.

Romans 10:9-13  All people are the same. (No individuality)

Luke 23:43   Like paradise.

Matthew 6:19-21   Nothing corrodes, rots, or is stolen.

Hebrews 11:16   A better country and/or city.

Revelation 21:21-27   No sun or moon - no night - constant light from god.  No temples (i.e. churches) in the city with a lot of pearl, glass, and gold. 
