Sunday, July 2, 2017

It is Difficult...

Living in an area of the country where the people are nice, but narrow minded poses some problems for the free-thinker. If I was to reveal my true self to those that I deal with on a regular basis, I fear that many would shun me and at best just be tolerant of my presence. Unfortunately, many of the people with whom I deal are quite fixed in their beliefs of Biblical matters. My disbelief in such things would be difficult for them to deal with and accept. If I was to reveal to them that I am an atheist, I believe many of them would respond with disbelief and statements that "Oh, that is too bad." or "Oh what a shame." It is as if they feel sorry about my inability to believe in the foolish ideas that govern their lives. If those beliefs make them feel better and cope with their lives, then all the better for them. However, I cannot in clear conscience confess to believe in the same things that they do.

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