I personally do not believe in the existence of a spiritual human soul or an afterlife. However, I do find it entertaining to muse on the concepts of such things and how those who hold such beliefs deal with incongruities. After researching a bit, it seems that the majority of those on the religious right believe that the human soul is formed at conception when the sperm fertilizes the egg.
Okay. If that is so, then what about identical twins and triplets? Do they each get a part of a soul? Is the original soul reproduced? If it is reproduced, are all versions identical? If they each get a new soul, does that mean souls can be created without conception?
It may seem like a minor point, but if you are a religious person and have one or more clones of yourself out there, you may be very concerned about this. After all, the entire basis of their belief system rests on the eternal life of the soul.
If the original soul is broken up, then what if only one of them gets spiritually "saved"? Do they all go to heaven or hell?
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