Wednesday, December 25, 2019

If I had a god...


I do not have a god, but if I did...

1) My god would not make me "love" him or spend eternity in unbearable anguish.
2) My god would not tell me how to buy, sell and treat slaves because he would condemn slavery as an abomination to humankind.
3) My god would not treat half the population of the earth as inferiors because of their gender. ALL people would be treated and respected equally!
4) My god would not create an infallible "instruction book" filled with ambiguity and contradictions and erroneous information.
5) My god would not be concerned about the gender of two loving people. 
6) My god would not create a world full of people only to horrifically drown because he was dissatisfied. 
7) My god would not be vengeful and jealous because these are petty human traits.
8) My god would rule over billions of stars and planets which would probably contain thousands or millions of inhabited planets.
9) My god would not instruct soldiers to attack a people and kill women, children, and men as well as their livestock.
10) My god would not instruct soldiers to take young virgins as prisoners for their own purposes.
11) My god would not make his followers turn against their family.
12) My god would not punish my lineage for my sins.
13) My god would be tolerant of other's beliefs and not order me to slay them.
14) My god would not believe in animal or human sacrifice.

... and I bet there are many more others can think of.

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