Friday, November 18, 2011

Dreams and Religion

     The more I think about it, the more convinced I become that our ability to dream was one of the major factors in the development of religion.  Very often what we dream about are things that have happened in our lives recently.  So,the animal that attacked the caveman during the day, could visit him in his sleep, but where is it?  What if he had killed that animal during the day? Where did it come from? Is the animal's "spirit" or "soul" coming back for revenge?
     Guess there must be another world where these things live... thus the creation of the spirit world.  Also, seeing deceased loved ones in dreams could lead to the belief in afterlife and souls. 
     I know other animals dream. I've watched the REM activity in my dog as she lies on the floor. This is often accompanied by whimpers or growls. However, she has no real language to communicate this experience or the means by which to record it.  If she  did then maybe there would be a religion for dogs!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Our Christian founding fathers of America...

It is really irksome to hear a number of people say that they think a good American is a good Christian like the men who founded the country. Nothing is further from the truth.  The original founders of our country did everything they could to keep religion out of government.  Many of them were from England and France where religious persecution was rampart and that was what they were escaping from.  Also, for that reason, the Constitution clearly states there will not be an official religion for the country.  ALL religions are to be tolerated and respected.  Do your homework people!