Friday, October 19, 2012

The Human Soul

Thoughts on the Human Soul

Okay, if I go on the premise that the human soul actually exists, then some interesting questions come up.
1) Does the soul reside in just one part of the body or is it spread throughout the body?
2) If it is in one part of the body, which part?  I guess most people would say the heart or the brain.
3) If it is spread throughout the body, then... if you bleed, loose a tooth or have an amputation, do you lose part of your soul?  If it happens enough, is your soul somehow diminished?
4) If the soul is in your brain, then do you have a soul before your brain develops?
5) If your soul is in your heart, what happens if you get a heart transplant? Do your old soul die and get replaced by a new soul? Did the person who donated their heart, lose their soul?
6) If the soul is created at conception, do identical twins share a soul and each have half a soul?

Just wondering...

Monday, October 1, 2012


Watch out! The THEO-NAZIS are coming!

Actually, I guess the theo-nazis have been here for a while. You can spot them pretty easily, they have a flag waving in one hand and they're holding a Bible in the other hand.  Sometimes, they may have a Koran or Torah in the other hand. Of course, the flag changes with the country.

These people are so dangerous to the general population. Most of them feel that there is a conspiracy against them and their values and want to eradicate anyone who doesn't believe as they do.

Here is the US it is mostly the far right Republicans who fit this description.

What's troubling is that this type of individual seems to be growing in numbers and volume.  It's downright scary!  They usually wind up with a mob mentality - where they think they can do just about anything they want.